Monday, August 10, 2009

Week 7, Thing 17: Region One Sandbox

I loved "playing" in the Region One Sandbox. It is so cool that we can actually practice with wikis before we can create our own wiki. One thing that wasn't very clear was where we create the sandbox from. Are sandboxes only for wiki practices? Well, I guess I need to go back and read a little more about sandboxes. As for the California Curriculum Connection Wiki, it was awesome. It had great ideas. I even bookmarked it with my Del.ici.ous tool. I can see how I can creat a wiki page and have teachers post ideas on how to teach skills from our timelines. I just need to sell all this information to my prinicpal so she can encourage the teachers even more.

1 comment:

  1. A wiki created specifically for practice is called a sandbox. You can try new things, mess it up or just play and no one minds.
